
Re: Pig Terminology (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 17:05:57 EDT
From: Esondrmn <Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Pig Terminology (fwd)

In a message dated 98-04-29 03:43:03 EDT, you write:

<<  I have a description of a couple of pigs that are available, but I am
  confused, and would like to get a translation from those that are
  more familiar with the beast:
  Primary is listed as 14400/24940Y, there is an impeadance listed,
  and for taps, there are (+, -, N, J) listed.
  I am trying to translate this notation.
  Specifically: what is the 24940Y?
                What are the various tap listing mean? 
                   I assume - is none, but perhaps that is what N is?
  Also, the possibility exists to pick up a 3KVA unit, in place of 
  the 5KVA.
  I am assuming the smaller unit would be easier to move about,
  but I want to make sure I can push it as hard as I  think I can.
  the 3KVA unit could be run at as high as 6KVA, yes?
  [Or should I just bite the bullet, and live with the larger
  size of the 5KVA unit?]
  I know, always go for more power, but I need to make it fit in the garage
  too :)
 I don't know what the numbers stand for.  I would go for the 5 kva unit.  I
 have one and made a small stand to sit in on that has casters on the bottom.
 Definitely too heav to lift.  Make sure it is a two bushing transformer.  I
 have run mine as high as 8 kva and it does not even get warm.
 Ed Sonderman


I checked the label on mine last night.   It has the same numbers as the one
that you are looking at  -  14400/24940Y.  Manufactured by Westinghouse with 5
tap settings which will provide 12,540 volts (52.25 : 1) up to 14,400 volts
(60 : 1).

Ed Sonderman