
RE: Toroid connection (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 07:31:22 -0700
From: Michael Baumann <baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: RE: Toroid connection

Somehow, I'd guess that there are as many ways to connect the toriod, as
there are
to make them.
However: My personal experience shows that placing the toroid slightly above
the top
turns seems to work best.
On my 3.5" coil, the toroid shades the top 3-5 turns, on my 6", the toriod
plane is about 1/4" above the top turn. In both cases, I get no corona from
the coil at all, just breakout from the toriod (and massive corona from my
strike rail)

> ----------
> From:  Dsurfr [SMTP:Dsurfr-at-aol-dot-com]
> Sent:  Monday, April 20, 1998 5:14 PM
> What is the proper way of connecting a toroid & is there a proper
> height above
> the secondary's top winding? I have a 4" ceramic stand-off
> insulator sitting
> on a 1/8" piece of plexi on the top of my secondary coil. I ran
> the wire from
> my top turn to a brass bolt in the top of the insulator to which
> I connected
> my toroid. I'm getting a lot of corona loss from the top windings & the
> connection. Should I lower the toroid / decrease the length of
> the connecting
> wire or is this normal? Also is this the correct way of connecting to the
> toroid? Thanks, Jim