
tubes-- ID ?

From:  Phillip D. Rembold [SMTP:prembold-at-gte-dot-net]
Sent:  Tuesday, April 14, 1998 11:36 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: tubes-- ID ?

Condensed Mercury -at- ambient Temp.  -  Good point, .. having never seen
one of these tubes I have to admit - " I Don't Know " how to explain that,
so the least I could do for a fellow HAM is check some other data sources,
and quote them this time.  :-)

    Electron Tube Locator
    by: George H. Fathauer
    Preliminary edition: June 1994
    Published by: Antique Electronic Supply - Tempe, AZ.
note - this book lists over 11,000 tubes.

    Tube Data
    Sonoran Publishing, LLC
    email: ake-at-scantitling.se
this is a comprehensive 'data base' for IBM PC's listing 30,000 plus tubes.

    Amperex Catalog No. CC766
considering where the tube was made . . . . .

These three sources all say that The 6508 is a Half wave Mercury Rectifier,
so, in my opinion . . . . but you know what they say about opinions.  ;-)

 Phillip Rembold

>  >       I need some specs on some tubes----
>  >
>  >  1.   AMPEREX  # 6508  ------------  made in Holland
>  >
>  >     The amperex tube looks like a high power pulse type -- ( hope so )
>  :-)
>  >
>  Sorry, it would be great for a DC coil, but it's not a pulse tube

>    The 6508 is a Half wave Mercury Rectifier
>  Max plate voltage - 20,000 Volts
>  Cathode current - 2,500 mA
>  Filament power - 5 volts -at- 20 amps
>         thank you for you'r response --- uummmm--- I  see no condensed
> Mercury  -at- ambient  temp. ---- ??? i 'm thinking of the 866's from my
> earlier ham radio days -- or am i off base here ? --- fallen prey to
> technology ? :->
>        I'll take a closer look ---
> thank you ,
>                  Sandy