

From:  Sulaiman Abdullah [SMTP:sulabd-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Sent:  Friday, April 10, 1998 12:35 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re: diode

>From:  David Dean [SMTP:deano-at-corridor-dot-net]
>Sent:  Thursday, April 09, 1998 3:45 PM
>To:  Tesla List
>Subject:  Re: diode
<big snip>
>The point about resonant charging- as I understand it you get resonant
>when Xc = Xl ; that is when the output impedance of the transformer is 
>to the
>impedance of the capacitor in this case at 60hz. Since Xr is "assumed" 
to be
>neglegable, and Xc and Xl are 180 degrees out of phase, the resultant 
>would be
>2*Vin. Of course in real life there is always some resistance so it 
>gets that high
>but...sometimes close. I would expect to have to use some type of 
>limiting in
>series with the pri. as they do with distribution transformers, 
>transformers, etc.
>Perhaps I'm missing something?
I disagree, resonant charging appears as though there is a resonant
circuit as a load for the transformer consisting of;
capacitance (Primary Capacitor + any filter capacitance)
resistance  (Copper resistance of transformer + any series resistance)
inductance  (LEAKAGE inductance of the transformer secondary)

The actual value of the transformer inductance is not so important,
it is the effective leakage inductance.

For a power transformer (no shunts) the leakage inductance is for
our purposes negligible.

For NST OBIT etc. the current-limiting is achieved by 'shunting'
the magnetic flux (whatever that is?) causing the effective 
leakage inductance to be the full secondary inductance.

That's my opinion anyway!  bye ... Sulaiman

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