Neon Transformers & HV Wire For Sale
From: Tedd Payne [SMTP:tpayne-at-netnitco-dot-net]
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 1998 9:39 PM
To: Tesla List; HV List; acdcx-at-icorp-dot-net; Tesla-2
Subject: Neon Transformers & HV Wire For Sale
If interested, please contact me DIRECTLY at tpayne-at-netnitco-dot-net
Please tell me which one(s) you're interested in, and your zip code (to
determine shipping cost).
"CONVENTIONAL" neon transformers in clean (not old, not rusty), good
working condition. Some have a label, some do not. For those not
labeled, the ratings are from my testing/measuring.
Good for Tesla coil, Jacob's ladder, neon, crackle tubes, HV
experiments, etc.
$17 used 12kv30ma in=porc ins out=porc insul
$17 used 12kv30ma in=porc ins out=porc insul (label)
$14 used 12kv30ma in=porc ins out=porc insul (miss 1 HV insul)(label)
$15 used 9kv60ma in = porc ins output=porc insul (no lid)
$11 used 7.5kv60ma in=porc ins out=porc ins (miss 1 HV ins, other
$11 used 6kv60ma in=porc ins output=porc insul
$11 used 9kv30ma in=porc ins output=porc insul (label)
$11 used 9kv25ma in=AC cord out=2 wires, w/switch (label)
$10 used 7.5kv35ma in=AC cord out=2 wires, w/switch
$10 used 7.5kv30ma in=AC cord out=2 wires, w/switch (label)
$10 used 7.5kv25ma in=AC cord out=2 wires, w/switch
$10 used 7.5kv25ma in=AC cord out=2 wires, w/switch
$8 used 3-4kv60ma in=porc ins output=porc insul
NEW Neon transformer HV wire:
Flexible gray, 14 gauge, multistrand copper, rated 15KV, $1.00 per foot.
Standard black, 16 gauge, multistrand copper, rated 15KV, $.50 per foot.
AC power cord for neon transformer, 3-wire, grounded plug, used, $1.00