
Oil filled Secondary Coil

From: 	chuck seguin[SMTP:seguinc-at-algonquinc.on.ca]
Reply To: 	seguinc-at-algonquinc.on.ca
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 24, 1997 3:33 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Oil filled Secondary Coil

Tesla List wrote:
> From:   gweaver[SMTP:gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net]
> Sent:   Wednesday, September 24, 1997 12:30 AM
> To:     Tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject:        Oil filled Secondary Coil
> I have an idea but before I build it I thought I would ask if anyone has
> tried this or if anyone thinks its worth trying.
> It seem that all Tesla Coils have a power limit.  For example if you powered
> a 3" secondary coil with 10,000. watts it would be too much power.  A
> reasonable power rating for a 3" coil would be about 500 to 700 watts.  A 4"
> coil could be powered up to about 1500  to 2000 watts.  And so on.
> If a coil is powered to its limit.  The limit being the point where it can
> not produce longer output spark because it is over powered and has reached
> it limit. Problems like racing sparks the length of the secondary coil would
> limit the TC output.
> If a secondary coils is placed in high voltage oil to stop secondary coil
> arcs and sparks.  Could the power of the TC then be expected to increase
> beyond its limit?
> My goal here is to find out if a TC output can be increased by changing
> coupling between the primary and secondary coil without over coupling the
> system at the point where it overcoupled before and without increasing the
> power.
> My ideas is to put a 4" secondary coil inside of a 6" PVC pipe.  Put end
> caps on both ends of the 6" pipe.  The secondary coil wire can be attached
> to a screw terminal on each end cap.
> Gary Weaver
Hi everyone;

I believe Tesla performed many experiments this way.  When he was
explaining many of his priciples to groups and during his public
appearances, he used such a set-up.

The drawback I can see is the physical dimensions of the oil container; 
when you get to very large size secondaries, you'll need a very large
