cheap toroid-form source
From: NTesla[SMTP:ntesla-at-ntesla.csd.sc.edu]
Reply To: ntesla-at-ntesla.csd.sc.edu
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 1997 9:02 AM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: cheap toroid-form source
Hi all,
A cheap but good toroid form for small coils is a cat-toy found at your
local pet-warehouse. The form is a plastic toroid with cutouts along the
outside through which a cat can reach and bat a ball around the inside of
the hollow doughnut. I have seen these in several sizes, and the only
modification necessary was cutting off the lip around the outside where the
two toroid-halves joined together. By adding a center-disc and covering
with aluminum tape, I had a very serviceable toroid in less than 30 minutes.
I had a friend tell me that a catalog of pet-toys had these things in 5
different sizes, though I have only seen (and purchased) two.
For what it's worth :)