
toroid size

From: 	Gwyn Zucca[SMTP:gwyn-at-tcbod.demon.co.uk]
Sent: 	Tuesday, September 23, 1997 5:39 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	toroid size

Hi John, all,

Thanks for the reply regarding toroid size, this confirms my own 
experiments and ideas. I believe that this is an area in which a lot 
more work can be done, as a published table of results would prove 
useful to all. I am aware that Richard Hull, TCBOR has done a large 
amount of work on the use of isotropic capacity.

On a different subject, instead of using thoriated tungsten electrodes 
in rotary gap designs I use zirconiated tungsten, these are also 
available from welding shops and have not dissimilar properties to 
thoriated types, but unlike materials containing thorium do not have the 
associated alpha particle emissions.

may all your sparks be big ones...
