
Garage opener vulnerability

From:     Storey-at-stic-dot-net
To:         tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Garage opener vulnerability

Hi All,
        After hearing stories in the past about fried openers, I knew that the
door opener in my garage would be the principal strike target for my
coil, so this is what I did:

1. Ground the door tracks to my coil ground that goes outside to stakes
in the ground.

2. Build a wire mesh ( 1/2" hardware cloth ) cage for the motor and
controller, and two small cages for the two units for the Obstruction
Detector photocell system.

3. Remove the captive power cable, and install a recessed male pin
receptical (computer type).

4. Replace the limp wire antenna with a piece of 1/16" brass rod on a
bannana plug that extends through an opening in the mesh.

5. Replace the plastic-housed microswitch down-limit-switch with an
all-metal housed microswitch.

6. Replace all cables with shielded cables.

Now when ever I want to run a coil, all I have to do is pull out the
computer type power cable and the antenna, and everything else is safe
within the cage.

My little coil hasn't reached it yet, but I'm sure my next coil will.
I will let you know if gets zapped.  
Storey Clamp
San Antonio, Texas