
Re: Magnetic quenching

From: 	Alfred A. Skrocki[SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: 	Friday, September 19, 1997 4:21 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Magnetic quenching

On Friday, September 19, 1997 2:24 AM Richard Wayne Wall
[SMTP:rwall-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com] wrote;

> I tried it.  It doesn't work.  The magnetic field lines of the loops 
> around the spark gap are at right angles to the magnetic fields in the 
> spark gap current.  I'm now winding a toroid which is placed over a 
> pyrex enclosed spark gap.  In theory the toroid magnetic field could 
> oppose (quench) or aid the spark gap magnetic field.  Could add a 
> little "control" to a spark gap.  Perhaps someone could grab a few 
> numbers and crunch 'em to help design a better sg toroid.  

Richard, what was your magnets configuration? I tried a magneticly 
quenched gap about 20 years ago and it worked amazingly well!
Below is an ASCII diagram of how my magnet was oriented in relation 
to the gap. I machined the pole pieces from pure nickle and wound 
each pole piece with about 400 turns #20 double cotton coated wire 
and fed the magnet with D.C. from a car battery through a 100 ohm
                                         ____         ____
                  |    |                |    \__   __/    | 
                  | N  |                |   ____| |____   |      
                   \__/              ---|  |---     ---|  |---
                                     |   C    |     |   C    |
              ----->  <-----         |   O    |     |   O    |
                    __               |   I    |     |   I    |
                   /  \              |   L    |     |   L    |
                  | S  |             ---------      ---------
                  |    |                |  |__________|  |
                 TOP VIEW                   SIDE VIEW


                              \\  ~ ~  //
                               (  -at- -at-  )
                           Alfred A. Skrocki
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