Re: Magnetic quenching
From: Daniel W. Hess pager; 214 910 8489
1605 LBJ Fwy. Daniel Hess-at-Vnet.ibm-dot-com
Dallas, TX 75234 territory R21 B/O 519
Subject: Re: Magnetic quenching
>I tried it. It doesn't work. The magnetic field lines of the loops
>around the spark gap are at right angles to the magnetic fields in the
>spark gap current. I'm now winding a toroid which is placed over a
Correct me if I'm wrong, (please,) but are not the magnetic lines of flux
from a permanet magnet, (Alvinco or ceramic,) also at right anles to the
magnetic fields in the sparkgap current?
Daniel Hess
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Subject: Re: Magnetic quenching
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From: Richard Wayne Wall[SMTP:rwall-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 1997 2:24 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Magnetic quenching
You wrote:
>A friend of mine had the idea to put a turn of the primary around the
>gap so as the spark gap breaks down the magnetic field created would
>quench the gap. I haven't heard of anyone trying this yet though.
>Ideas ?
I tried it. It doesn't work. The magnetic field lines of the loops
around the spark gap are at right angles to the magnetic fields in the
spark gap current. I'm now winding a toroid which is placed over a
pyrex enclosed spark gap. In theory the toroid magnetic field could
oppose (quench) or aid the spark gap magnetic field. Could add a
little "control" to a spark gap. Perhaps someone could grab a few
numbers and crunch 'em to help design a better sg toroid.