
my homepage

From: 	Richard Smit[SMTP:esmit-at-ilink.nis.za]
Sent: 	Thursday, September 18, 1997 4:31 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	my homepage 


I have changed my Homepage for the last time. So please, go check it out and
give feedback please. It is located at http://www.nis.za/~esmit/

It gives a bit of info for beginners on construction, if I have to
change/add something, then email me.

|Richard Smit  | Telephone: +27-525-32634                  		 |
|P.O.Box 566   | Email:     esmit-at-ilink.nis.za                           |
|Bultfontein   | Age:       17 years old                                 |
|9670          | Hobbies:   Tesla Coils; FIREWALKING; Computers; UFO's   |
|South Africa  | Birthday:  5 October 1979                               |