
Re: Info and requests for book

From: 	Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: 	Thursday, September 18, 1997 5:26 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Info and requests for book

terryf wrote:

> Also, has anyone tried clear "KRYLON" spray paint as a coil coating?  I
> worked on designing high voltage power supplies (200kV) a few years back and
> we sprayed that stuff around like holy water.  I was always very impressed
> with its high voltage performance (hard to puncture, seemed to not mind
> corona, etc.).  It was very nice to work with (fast drying, no drips, etc.)
> Those were DC systems however and I hate to try it out if someone knows a
> problem with it and Tesla coils.

Works good and looks great on TC's.
HVDC is the worst case for any insulating medium IMO, so if it worked there
it should be great for TC work.