Re: New Testing
From: George W. Ensley[SMTP:erc-at-coastalnet-dot-com]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 1997 11:34 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: New Testing
At 07:09 AM 9/15/97 -0500, you wrote:
>> ><snip>
>> >
>> >
>> Malcolm,
>> It hadn't occurred to me that anyone would do this without the
>> filter board and safety gaps in place at the base of the TC.
>> RFI suppression is best accomplished at the source. I think
>> you are right about parallel conductors. They just form a higher
>> impedance transmission line with no choke sleeve.
>For my money, filter components should be at the primary gap and the
>safety gap should right at the transformer terminals and there should
>be sufficient damping resistance somewhere between the primary gap
>and safety gap. You can so arrange this resistance to provide damping
>for all reactive components (line included) by careful design.
My theory is to clean it up before it gets to the transmission line thus
reducing RFI. Using the coax shield grounded at the TC end only as
additional precautions. I assume only the HV transformer the resides
at the supply side and all else is at the base of the TC. A second safety
gap at the transformer is not a bad idea though.
Sorry to be so unclear, literacy was the price i paid for a very colorful