Tesla's capacitors
From: Richard Quick[SMTP:richard.quick-at-slug-dot-org]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 1997 4:06 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Tesla's capacitors
Quoting Michael Smith [SMTP:md.smith-at-usa-dot-net]
> I have been curious what information about Tesla's capacitors
> is known. How did he, and from what materials did he construct
> his caps, back in the days before all these groovy materials
> were available.
Actually the group missed another obvious answer here. Tesla
patented two capacitors: ELECTRICAL CONDENSER, Patent No. 464,667
Dated Dec. 8, 1891; ELECTRICAL CONDENSER, Patent No. 567,818,
dated September 15, 1896.
The text of Patent No. 464,667 is especially insightful:
I have found that insulating material such as glass, mica, and,
in general those bodies which possess the highest specific
inductive capacity are inferior as insulators in such devices
when currents of the kind described [high frequency, high
voltage] are employed to those possessing high insulating power,
together with a smaller specific inductive capacity, and I have
also found that it is very desirable to exclude all gaseous
matter from the apparatus, or any access to the same to the
electrified surfaces, in order to prevent heating by molecular
bombardment and the loss or injury consequent thereon. I have
found that I may accomplish these results and produce highly
efficient and reliable condensers by using oil as the di-
electric, and in this my invention resides.
I have a suspicion, despite the general consensus, that Tesla in
fact used oil capacitors for much of his coil work in New York.
It is quite true as stated here previously that Tesla employed
micas for his small demonstration coils sets, he also used
commercial micas as "standards" against which he compared the
vaules of his own capacitors.
Colorado Springs more or less forced him into using the less
efficient brine/glass capacitors because of time and financial
Richard Quick
... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12