Re: TC Electrosattics Revisited II
From: Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 1997 2:14 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: TC Electrosattics Revisited II
Richard Wayne Wall wrote:
> GL wrote:
> >Compare the energy stored in a 10 Farad capcitor with 1 coulomb of
> >charge, vs. the energy stored in a 10 Henry inductor with 1 Ampere of
> >current. From the above equations:
> >
> >Ecap = 0.05 Joules.
> >Eind = 5.00 Joules.
> I don't understand what the above significance is about. At first
> blush you seem to provide proof of point for our assertions.
I thought that my counter example was quite clear -- You and R. Hull
claimed that "One coulomb of electrostatic charge has the potential
for vastly more effective work than one ampere flowing in a circuit."
I provided an example where this is obviously and provably not true.
> Shouldn't both devices store the same energy?
Not necessarily. Neither charges nor currents _by themselves_ determine
the ability to do work.