
New Coil

From: 	Richard Smit[SMTP:esmit-at-ilink.nis.za]
Sent: 	Thursday, September 11, 1997 6:20 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	New Coil


I am desiding on building a new coil. Can anyone help giving me advice?

Here's the specs:
                Diameter: 6.4 inches
                Height: 26.4 inches
                Turns: 800
                Frequency(unloaded): 186 kHz
                Wire thickness: .033 inch
                Inductance: 22.38 mH
                Internal C: 32.7 F
        Primary Coil            
                Diameter: 12.8 inches
                Height: 5 inches
                Adjustable from 500Watts up to 5000 Watts(for future planning)

Give so much comments as you want.
Thanks in advance
|Richard Smit  | Telephone: +27-525-32634                  		 |
|P.O.Box 566   | Email:     esmit-at-ilink.nis.za                           |
|Bultfontein   | Age:       17 years old                                 |
|9670          | Hobbies:   Tesla Coils; Computors; Paranormal; UFO's    |
|South Africa  | Birthday:  5 October 1979                               |