
SMPS high voltage

From: 	Kenneth Aaron[SMTP:kennetha-at-geocities-dot-com]
Sent: 	Friday, September 05, 1997 4:03 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com; hvlist-at-anchorage.ab.umd.edu
Subject: 	SMPS high voltage

I've been thinking about a high voltage low current SMPS to drive
a TC or plasma globe...

If you take a readymade switching power supply (these work at several KHz,
and rewire the transformer, to give a voltage of 20-50V spikes (if this
is not present already), instead of the filter that gives DC, this could
be put into the primary of a flyback transformer, to give very 
efficient AC high voltage .

Comments anyone ?
Kenneth Aaron 
E-mail : kennetha-at-geocities-dot-com