FW: toriods
From: Kevin[SMTP:wawa-at-spectra-dot-net]
Reply To: wawa-at-spectra-dot-net
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 1997 9:27 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: toriods
> >How about if I used some metal elbo shaped pipes and connected
> > four together, how would that compare to a hose covered in aluminum tape
> > or foil?
> I don't like elbows because the sparks sometimes "lock" onto the sharp
> edges and emit from those points.
Yeah, I noticed this happening. But I was having a heck of a time
trying to find 3" diameter tubing so that when I found this I got it
with no hesitation. Secondly though, I didn't have to worry about
covering it foil or anything. I may try and see what I can do to
minimize this but for now I'm pleased.