
Re: Answers to a Puzzle

From: 	Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 03, 1997 1:25 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Answers to a Puzzle

Malcolm Watts wrote:

> (2) It is _obvious_ that the Q of the larger resonator is a _lot_
> higher. Whereas the gap went out on just the second ringup with the
> smaller coil, it went out on the fourth for the larger one. This was
> with a very moderate air streamer for the large coil and none for the
> smaller one (single shot).
> - The single shot attached spark was a vastly higher quality with the
> large coil (flashovers excepted).
> - It was also an inch or so longer.

Given that the single-shot results were vastly different for the two
coils, it would seem that efficiency factors such as Q and k are probably
the culprits.   
If the single-shot spark lengths were the same, then I would have suspected 
changes in component values such at Ctot and Zsec, which directly affect 
the arc dynamics during long arc formation.

> - It is clear now that cramming heaps of inductance into a small coil
> is not going to produce a good one despite the low Cdistr because the
> small wire losses matter a great deal. Better to use a much larger
> coil with a more modest terminal if primary energy is limited, OR, go
> to a higher frequency and use bigger wire in the small coil. My rule
> of 3 skin depths minimum for a spacewind stands.

What do you think is the lowest allowable _unloaded_ Qsec?