
Re: A Puzzle

From: 	FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 03, 1997 4:03 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: A Puzzle

In a message dated 97-09-03 08:05:12 EDT, you write:

<< snip< The cruncher: The large resonator has created those rare long 
> sparks measured well over 4 feet p-p. The little one is struggling to 
> get to two feet p-p. This is with exactly the same primary coil and 
> cap, energy and gap setting. This situation echoes someone recently 
> switching from a 3" (?) coil to a 6" one. The air discharges from the 
> terminal are a bit shorter with the small one suggesting the reduced 
> capacitance might be a factor. I have not as yet taken any real 
> measurements but will sometime today.
>     The question: why?  Any input sought, Ideas welcome from all. 
> I'd like to hear from anyone, no matter how trivial you think your 
> contribution might be.
> Regards All,
> Malcolm


Interesting puzzle.  I once did a similar test...replaced a 6" x 19" sec.
with a 4" by 24" sec. having much thinner wire, and double the L.  But
in this case, the output sparks were about the same, unfortunately I
didn't measure anything.  In another test, I replaced a large resonator
with a small one on a magnifier, and the spark was 50% shorter, but
in this case the small resonator had half the L value.

I would guess that in your system, the reduced (?) k is having a large
effect.  If the k was loose to start with using the 10" dia coil, it may be
*really* loose using the small coil.  But what's really mysterious is
that the single shot sparks are the same, but normal running rare
sparks are so much longer...it's as if ionization effects around the
toroid are being affected...maybe by the lower height of the toroid
using the small coil?

Just some trivia,

John Freau