
Re: Oil-immersed RFCs

From: 	Felix[SMTP:73374.1547-at-CompuServe.COM]
Sent: 	Tuesday, September 02, 1997 7:19 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: Oil-immersed RFCs

Thanks, Tom, for answering my continued questions. Meanwhile I did get
another data point, this one from Bert Hickman, who gets by with a
single-layer winding on plain pipe. Now that I understand the fine 
wire is OK I'll try this as the simplest way---it's not hard to
accomodate several mh. Thanks again for the patient instruction.
Finally I must ask: does Fr. stand for Frater and does that mean
that you are in holy orders?