Re: Grades of Mineral Oil??
From: anjorsta-at-online.no[SMTP:anjorsta-at-online.no]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 1997 4:30 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Grades of Mineral Oil??
At 10:42 PM 10/26/97 -0600, you wrote:
"Light" does probably mean that the oil is has a light consistence (not like
used motor oil!). Some transformer oils are pretty light, and I guess it
would be ok to use
>At a local HamFest today, I picked up a gallon jug of mineral oil for only
>$1. However, I note that the label says LUBINOL (Light Mineral Oil N.F.). I
>am worried about the designation "Light". Surely they don't mean there is
>*water* in it? And, if there is "light" mineral oil, is there also "heavy"
>mineral oil? I hope to use this stuff for my own home built caps.
>Should this stuff be OK?
>David Hutchison
Atle Jorstad