
Re: Grounding.

From: 	daniel_hess-at-vnet.IBM.COM[SMTP:daniel_hess-at-vnet.IBM.COM]
Sent: 	Monday, October 27, 1997 1:19 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Grounding.

>To all you guys with the "power beasts"
>Do you run a separate wire to RF ground from the metal
>control console or do you rely on ac ground only at this point?
>Jim M

I use house-AC ground only on my control panel frame and covers. Everything
else, neon cases, safety gap center point and secondary base, are all
connected to my dedicated earth, (rf) ground system, 3 10' copper pipes.

I have yet, (knock knock knock,) to to experience a single household
electrical failure or any electronic appliance catastrophy, (unpluggem')
during the operation of my TC. My system is 1.8 kw.

I once gave a demonstration of my coil and afterwards was horrified to
discover that my daughter had been watching tv on my brand new 27" set.
The tv is located in our living room next to the garage, (er, lab,) and
was not more than 18' away from the coil, seperated only by a conventional
drywall. She reported, in her own words, that she hadn't experienced any
sort of video distortion, static or noise. And it has rabbit ears, too!
Actually, I find that a little hard to believe, but I was just thankful I
hadn't let all of it's smoke out and have been unwilling to risk repeating
the setup.

I can't prove it but I believe that having a decent rf ground system went
a long way towards protecting the tv set and anything else I forget to
