
Re: Driving microwave transformers with 220V

From: 	Alfred A. Skrocki[SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: 	Saturday, October 25, 1997 3:19 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Driving microwave transformers with 220V

On Saturday, October 25, 1997 8:50 AM Harri Suomalainen
[SMTP:haba-at-cc.hut.fi] wrote;

> No ballast would be a bad idea. No matter the duty cycle. It would still
> draw *enormous* peaks when the cap is empty and presents a full momentary
> short circuit on the secundary side. Ballast is a must.

Harri, considering that almost all microwave transformers (except a few 
industrial units and they have current limiting chokes in series with the 
transformer) have built in magnetic shunts just like neon sign transformers 
and obits (oil burner ignition transformers), there is realy no need for 
ballists unless you want to use either a variable choke or a saturable 
reactor to give you variable control over the transformer.


                              \\  ~ ~  //
                               (  -at- -at-  )
                           Alfred A. Skrocki
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