Sync-TC, latest results
From: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 1997 4:19 AM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Sync-TC, latest results
All, Malcolm,
I replaced my ballast core today by removing the original 1/2"
threaded rods and 1/8" welding rods, and installed neon tranny
"I" laminations in their place. This new core should exibit lower
eddy current and hysteresis losses. The potential tranny was
installed, and the system tuned up. The sparks seemed to be
more powerful, and now permited the use of the large 6" x 26"
toroid (previously the large toroid performed poorly at the 700
watt power level). The large toroid required the primary tune tap
point to be moved to turn # 24 (previously turn # 20). The sync-
gap was re-phased as needed. Safety gaps (2) were set at 5/8"
each. I'm still using the 4 1/4" dia x 23" secondary and the cap
is still 0.007uF. Actual wall-plug wattage is 700 watts (830VA),
and sparks occasionally reach 46" with a strong strike to the wall.
Perhaps it can do a little better with a little more tweaking.
A question for Malcolm: In a recent post, you mentioned a coil
that gave about 5 foot sparks with the caps supplying only 300
watts. This is much better than my results, would you be willing
to re-post the specs for the cap, pri, sec, toroid, etc. for this coil,
and any pertinent comments? Thanks in advance.
John Freau