Re: Magnifiers revisited
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Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 15:34:41 EDT
From: FutureT <FutureT-at-aol-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Magnifiers revisited
In a message dated 97-10-09 15:22:09 EDT, you write:
> Unfortunately, it is only going to match under a single loading
> condition. As the output load increases, Zbase of the resonator rises.
> Measurement by others suggests that 100 ohms is a reasonable Zbase
> value with no spark loading. I guess the question is: what exactly
> are we trying to match to what and under what loading conditions?
> Primary spark to secondary spark? Zsurge of the primary to Zbase and
> what loading conditions should we be aiming at - non-spark or spark?
> Malcolm
Since part of the operation is unloaded (before break-out) and part of
it it loaded (after break-out), the match may have to be a compromise,
although intuition tells me that the loaded match may be more
important, but I don't trust my intuition too much either. But these
changing conditions may be what makes the whole thing somewhat
non-critical, if it is indeed non-critical. The experiments by Lou
Balint in which he used various types of secondaries, and tuned
them with an external parallel cap seemed to show a basic
non-criticalness of the matching, i.e. there doesn't seem to be
any *peak* in performance caused by an excellent match. But
none of this is conclusive, more work is needed.
John Freau