
Greg and Golka (Twins separated at birth?) Nope.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 19:56:37 -0400
From: Thomas McGahee <tom_mcgahee-at-sigmais-dot-com>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Greg and Golka (Twins separated at birth?) Nope.

> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Why a toroid? 
> Date: Tuesday, October 07, 1997 11:04 PM
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 19:04:16 +0000
> From: Greg Leyh <lod-at-pacbell-dot-net>
> To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Subject: Why a toroid?
> A lot of effort has been directed at fabricating toroids for TC's.
> Has anyone ever tried using a large metal disk as the top
> A suitably sized disk would have just as much C to gnd as the
> I know that I should just try it myself, but I thought I'd ask
> -GL

I know I already posted some stuff on this topic, but it just struck
me: you are not like many of the people on this list (myself
included) that run with under-powered coils. If you pump enough power
in, yeah, you're going to lose some of that to corona, but the rest
of it is going to come streaming out in arcs. So don't let any
negative comments I or others may have made prevent you from trying
this out. You are operating in a different league than most of us.
The rules are slightly different when you are pumping 100 KW in,
versus just a couple of kilowatts. Damn the corona leaks! Full speed
ahead!  You are in a different league not JUST because you are
bigger. Golka was bigger, too, but that's where the resemblance
stops. No one would confuse the two of you. Or your coils...

I remember looking at one of Richard Hull's video tapes where he
discussed Golka's massive coil. (Tim Raney gave me a whole box of
video tapes, and I spent several days spending every available moment
watching them all. Thanks, Tim!)  Anyway, Golka's coil can only be
described as being a very large -at-!#*&%#. To put it mildly. It was a
true monstrousity. It was cobbled together from all kinds of odds and
ends. It was truly ugly. It looked awful. But it worked.

Golka pumped so much power into the darn thing that it didn't have
any other choice *but* to work. If it's a double tuned resonant
circuit and you excite it with enough of that electrical stuff, it
spits out sparks. Clobber it with a bazillion KW and it spits out
really BIG *A*R*C*S*. Golka's coil was really *B*A*D*. Aesthetically,
it is one of the worst things I have ever seen. Someone on this list
posted something once saying that Golka used ceramic toilets as his
HV insulators. I barf at the thought. But it worked. 

By the way, Richard Hull, if you are reading this post, maybe for our
edification (we can all use a good laugh) you can tell us all some
more of the gory details of this truly monstrous coil. Not every one
on the list has seen the video, and I think the facts about Golka's
coil are a real hoot! And it worked! (More than I can say for one or
two of *my* coils).

Still chuckling in Paterson,
Fr. Tom McGahee