Re: DC drive (fwd)
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Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 11:50:19 +0000
From: Greg Leyh <lod-at-pacbell-dot-net>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Re: DC drive
Larry Robertson wrote:
> ________ ________
> ________| | | |________ +
> | Diode |___| RF | ___
> | Bridge | | Filter | ___ 2uF storage cap
> 15 kV | | | | |
> AC | | | | |
> ________| |___| |--------- -
> |________| |________|
> + __________________
> | *
> | ----* * *-------- 0.05 resonance cap
> - --------- | |------| |------
> | ---* *--------* *------ |
> | | Primary
> |_______ * * *--------| 0.05 |
> *-------------|------| |------
Interesting idea! My only concerns would be:
Can the storage cap handle the high RF currents? It must,
since adding a decoupling cap to it would defeat the whole
purpose of the storage cap.
The RF filter will have to be heavy duty.
Also, the gap doesn't have to reverse the polarity to
achieve the same effect. The energy per pulse is the same,
whether you run the resonance caps at +15 or -15kV.