RE- Spun toroid sources
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Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 19:52:53 GMT
From: Robert Michaels <robert.michaels-at-online.sme-dot-org>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: RE- Spun toroid sources
I favor Hipotronics. They and several others advertise their
wares in (my oft mentioned) "Thomas' Register of Manufacturers"
under "High Voltage" listings. (Come-on, Thomas, where's that
commish ??)
Information Unlimited (which advertises virtually every issue
in "Electronics Now" and in "Popular Electronics") has long sold
both spheroids and toroids in hobbyist grades at
not-unreasonable prices.
By consulting the "Yellow Pages" in most any good-size city it
is possible locate shops which do custom metal spinning. This
will =not= be cheap but you can get most any size, shape, or
thickness your little heart may desire.
- - - - - - - -
Metal-spinning is not hard, but for any but the thinnest metal
in the smallest size objects it takes =a lot= of power. Most
amateurs do not have metal-spinning lathes and try to use wood
lathes instead. Most such do not have the moxie for any but
the smaller projects. Not only must the lathe be robust, but
you must be also, if you are guiding the spinning tool by hand
as is the case with most amateur wood-lathe-as-metal-spinner
This is not to discourage any wood-lathe-based attempts. You'll
surely find it very educational. And you'll be only too eager
to purchase that professionally-made spheroid or toroid -- just
as soon as you can force your poor aching hands and arms to
reach for your credit card and endure the weight of a telephone
Been around (and around)
on this before, in ---
Detroit, USA
Robert Michaels