---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 97 06:12:43 UT
From: Larry Robertson <LWRobertson-at-classic.msn-dot-com>
To: Tesla Builders <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Toroid
Hi ...
I just took delivery of a hideously expensive spun
torus 27" x 6 " to replace my home made 22" x 4 " , made
from flexible aluminum tube warped with tape.
It came as two halves which didn't fit all that well,
being somewhat flexible, but the coil acted altogether
After re-tuning, the safety gaps on both the capacitor
and transformer - still set to the same width - stopped firing
at all and the spark output increased considerably. With the
home made top load the cap gap, set at 3/4 " would go off
at about 50% on the variac. I was able to get full power with
the commercial torus and all the spark was breaking out at
the edges where the halves came together.
Especially impressive was the strike to a telephone
hidden in a corner behind several grounded objects, which
took out the modem in my computer. Now back on line, no
thanks to Fry's , and phone unplugged, we await the arrival
of diodes and parts for the rotary gap.
I took the halves off to a welding shop to get heli-
arced together, also not inexpensive, but I didn't think I
could do it myself.
Mr. M in Detroit was correct in saying commercial toroids
work better, but his estimate of " a couple of days pay" indicates
he is much better re-embursed than I.
I hope to post an ASCII art of my proposed DC drive
tomorrow. I see no flaws except if the resonance cap fails
the storage cap will dump ~ 1 KJ into the short. Fortunately
I have purchased a good fire extinguisher.