
Re: KV's and multimeters

From: 	Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz[SMTP:acmq-at-compuland-dot-com.br]
Sent: 	Thursday, November 20, 1997 11:27 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: KV's and multimeters


> My question is: is there to figure out the
> voltage its putting out? My multimeter is a cheapie that only goes up to
> 1000 V.

A multimeter is almost useless for this purpose, as the output voltage
of the coil comes in pulses (It is possible to build an adaptor, but not
trivial). You can use an oscilloscope with a suitable attenuator.
The simplest method is by the spark length with spherical terminals.
The actual values depend on the size of the spheres, but for small
sparks the voltage is roughly 30 kV/cm.

> Also why does it spark to everything..even when its not grounded?

Everything is "grounded" through capacitances or high-resistance paths.
Very little current is required for a visible spark.

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz