
Re: Shall I continue...

From: 	Thomas McGahee[SMTP:tom_mcgahee-at-sigmais-dot-com]
Sent: 	Thursday, November 20, 1997 4:01 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Shall I continue...

Fellow Coilers,
I joined this list in January of 1996. Since then I have spent a
fair amount of my free time writing posts and answering posts.
As many of you know, I teach Electronics here at Don Bosco Tech
in Paterson, NJ (USA).

I happen to have taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
I do not expect that all of you on this list will necessarily
understand why I would do such a thing, but thirty-two years ago I
made that particular life decision, and I have not regretted
it. Such promises do have their demands, however, and one of
the demands of poverty is that I must give an accounting of how
I have used the funds entrusted to my care.

I made the decision last January to get onto the internet and
I became a member of Chip's Tesla List. I was lucky to get a
very good rate with a local internet service provider, and I
currently pay only $10 a month for unlimited internet access.
I also have the telephone bills to pay, and the internet part
of that comes to about another $20 a month. That means it costs me
about $1 a day to be a part of all this. *I* am personally very
pleased with this particular investment in time and money, but
now it is time for me to explain to my Director why I want to
allocate about $400 towards *next* year's projected expenses in
this area.

It would go a long way towards helping to convince him that this
is money well spent if I can show him that my involvement has
not only been an enjoyable experience for *me*, but that it has
also been beneficial to others.

So, if you have personally gained anything as a result of my
involvement on this list and wish me to be able to continue
being a Tesla List member, you might consider dropping me a
short note via e-mail. Hopefully I will get my request
approved and can continue on as before.


Fr. Tom McGahee