
Re: Best Secondary Surface coating

From: 	Malcolm Watts[SMTP:MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz]
Sent: 	Monday, November 17, 1997 2:17 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Best Secondary Surface coating

Hi Viv,
            Check that the top lead from your secondary is making 
proper contact with the terminal. If you checked tune and retuned the 
primary and then fired, you may find the coil went out of tune the 
moment you put some power in. I got trapped like that once.


> From:   Vivian[SMTP:V.C.Watts-at-btinternet-dot-com]
> Reply To:   Vivian
> Sent:   Sunday, November 16, 1997 2:27 PM
> To:     Tesla List
> Subject:    Best Secondary Surface coating
> Hi all,
>     Another problem Huh!  Operating my coil last night I was only getting
> one foot sparks.  A few days before I was up to 19".  On investigating today
> I find my secondary and toroid are resonant at 330Hz instead of 270Khz.
> Further investigation showed the secondary inductance to have gone down.
> But I can see no signs of arcing or damage.  The surface however is somewhat
> crazed.   I assume some windings have gone short.  I had coated the surface
> with a two part epoxy resin coating (called Araldite CY1301) which I thought
> would be good.  What is considered "the" stuff to use or should I really
> space wind.
> Viv Watts UK.