
RE- Dielectric Constants and Breakdown Voltages (fwd)

From:	Robert Michaels [SMTP:robert.michaels-at-online.sme-dot-org]
Sent:	Thursday, November 13, 1997 12:07 PM
To:	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:	RE-  Dielectric Constants and Breakdown Voltages (fwd)

        Ach du Liebe!  Gott im Himmel!

        Are you interested in Tesla-coiling, or in making fruit
        salad -- I mean you've got a really good mixture going
        there: grapes & grapefruit; apples, oranges & an orangutan.

                                - - - - - - -

        The puncture voltages given in published tables are for
        dc -- as in  =direct current=.   Men and women do not
        behave alike, and dc and ac do not behave alike.  Trust
        me on both accounts.  A 250,000-v. Van DeGraaff generator
        does not perform like a 250,000-v. Tesla coil.  Really.

                Nor either is Tesla's polyphase ac system of
                power generation and distribution like Edison's
                dc system.   Dc and ac are different -- as
                different as male and female (even if it isn't
                politically-correct to say that anymore).

        So,  =lose=  the  -at-$%#-at-^-at-!!&^&%$   puncture voltage tables
        unless you have one assuredly made with Tesla currents
        (and then I'll want to know the frequency of those
        Tesla currents)!

                If you're overtaken some dark night with
                an irresistible urge to post a puncture-
                voltage table to a mail list -- post it
                to the High-Voltage List.  That is where
                dc calls home.

                This in the interest of logic, staying on
                topic, and not misguiding the uninformed
                (a multitude, as it would seem).

                                - - - - - - - -

        You write "I recall some comment that Mylar is not good
        for caps ..."

        That's like "recalling" some "comment" that Thou Shalt
        Not Kill.

        This is not a "comment".  It's a Commandment --

        11.  Whomsover shall employ any polyester capacitor
             in any Tesla coil, so also shall remorse be
             visited upon him and upon his circuits, forever,
             and forever, and forever (or, at least until
             he gets rid of the damn polyester) - Amen.

        It has thus been written:


                If anyone offers you a polyester capacitor
                (or leisure suit) -- run a mile.

                                (Gospel according to Michaels)


                                              Keeping the faith
                                              (and the physics),
                                               -- in Detroit, USA

                                              Robert Michaels

TL>From: DamDeName-at-aol-dot-com [SMTP:DamDeName-at-aol-dot-com]
TL>Subject: Re: Dielectric Constants and Breakdown Voltages (fwd)

TL>Hello all,
TL>   With regard to the puncture voltage an dielectric
TL>constant of mylar -- 7500 v ? (not 750 v ? )

TL>   In either respect --- I recall some comment
TL>that mylar was not good for caps for T.C. service --
TL>if  this is so (meaning my memory is not failing me) :>)
TL>howcome ??? --- It seems worthwhile esp.if the 7500
TL>V/mil is accurate ---

TL>                 Sandy

TL> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
TL> Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 19:32:37 -0700
TL> From: Ken & Pat Prentice <prentice-at-sympatico.ca>
TL> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
TL> Subject: Dielectric Constants and Breakdown Voltages

TL> Good day Ladies and Gentlemen

TL>      I'm new and have been lurking for some time.. and thought that this
TL>might help as a quick reference... I found this in one of the old electronic
TL>mags.  (set your font Courier to see this properly)

TL>    INSULATOR              DIE..CONST.    PUNCTURE VOLTS/0.001 inch
TL> ==================================================================
TL> Air.................................1.0.........  30
TL> Window Glass........................7.8......... 200
TL> Polyethylene........................2.3......... 450
TL> Paper (bond)........................3.0......... 200
TL> Polycarbonate (Lexan)...............2.9......... 400
TL> Teflon..............................2.1.........1000
TL> Polystyrene.........................2.6......... 500
TL> Epoxy Circuit board.................5.2......... 700
TL> Pyrex................................4.8......... 335
TL> Plexiglas...........................2.8......... 450
TL> PVC (rigid type)....................2.9......... 725
TL> Silicone RTV........................3.6......... 550
TL> Polyethylene Terphthalate (Mylar)...3.0.........7500
TL> Nylon...............................3.2......... 407
TL> Mineral Oil, Squibb.................2.7......... 200
TL> Shellac.............................3.3......... 200

TL> All measured at 1 MHz