
RE- Toroid Design Features

From: 	Bert Hickman[SMTP:bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com]
Reply To: 	bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com
Sent: 	Friday, November 14, 1997 1:21 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: RE- Toroid Design Features

Tesla List wrote:
> From:   Scott Stephens [SMTP:stephens-at-enteract-dot-com]
> Sent:   Thursday, November 13, 1997 9:55 AM
> To:     Tesla List
> Subject:        Re: RE- Toroid Design Features
> At 08:31 AM 11/12/97 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >From:  Robert Michaels [SMTP:robert.michaels-at-online.sme-dot-org]
> >Sent:  Tuesday, November 11, 1997 4:03 AM
> >To:    tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> >Subject:       RE- Toroid Design Features
> >
> >        Yikes!  Some of you people -- It's a wonder you don't want
> >        to make your own copper wire!
> >
> I made a 5" dia one out of 3/4" copper pipe. Think it will be too small?
> I have considered 2" dia aluminum flexible air hose from the auto parts
> store, for air filter rebreathers. But it's ribbed and I'm afraid of corona
> loss.
> Finaly, I'm thinking of heating schd 40 PVC, bending it around the coffee
> can like the copper pipe, gluing copper dust to it and electroplating it
> with copper.
> I don't like the idea of using air ducts with sharp edges. Any comments?
> At 09:14 AM 11/9/97 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi all,
> BTW, this was on that other list...
> >I just got word from my friends at Science First...  They now produce
> >Toroids for Tesla Coils.  A 7" Toroid sells for only $60.00.  :-)
> >It is to my understanding that they will take custom orders as well.
> >Here is the info:
> >
> >Science First
> >1-800 875-3214
> >95 Botsford Pl.
> >Buffalo, NY.  14216


If you use the thicker-walled aluminum dryer-duct available at Home
Depot or Builders Square, you shouldn't have any sharp edges. Simply
cover the seam with aluminum duct tape and smooth it out. The closely
spaced accordian "folds" do not cause any problems in reducing breakout
voltage. This approach is cheap, its light weight, and most important -
it works virtually as well as any spun toroid. It simply doesn't look
quite as "professional". 

However, If I'm going to need a big (32"+) toroid for my 10" coil, I'd
rather spend the BIG bucks on the REST of the system, not just on a
single shiny toroid...

Safe coilin' to you!

-- Bert --