
Re: Science Fair Project

From:	anjorsta-at-online.no [SMTP:anjorsta-at-online.no]
Sent:	Wednesday, November 12, 1997 10:11 AM
To:	Tesla List
Subject:	Re: Science Fair Project

>I know that this is probably a bumb questions that shows my ignorance, but
>what is "12 volt square wave" . I get the idea it means just feed it
>bursts of electricity? I've read you can do this with a 555 timer- Is that
>true, I would think the voltage would be a little high for a 555 timer...
>			Matt

555s can be used, there is lots of files around on the net that shows how
(just search for "ignition+coil+circuit" in AltaVista)
CMOS 555s should work between 2v-18v, and the old bipolar 555s work between
about 5v to about 15v (if i remeber correctly).
Atle Jorstad