From: Alan G. Pope[SMTP:agpope-at-phonetech-dot-com]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 1997 1:45 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
In connection with Tesla work, has anyone got any, PRACTICAL winding data
for power transformers.
In years past, I have hand re-wound a number of transformers, mostly by
guess, and by gosh.
Even so I had good luck with it.
What I'm looking for is info on the basics of transformer design & winding,
turns ratios, and charts or tables on a variety of WORKING transformers
designs with enough detail to select core and wire sizes and start building
the thing.
I'm fully aware of the higher math involved in all of the engineering
aspects of transformer design, and I'm trying to cut through that mess and
get to some GOOD WORKING, cut-and-dried stuff that I can start hand-winding
In the past, I have seen some charts and tables of working designs, but was
unable to obtain copies of same. I'm hoping some of you fellows know where
such can be found.
I have a number of assorted cores on hand, but would be very interested in
more core lamination sources...new or used.
Any good sources for surplus magnet wire would also be appreciated.
Alan G. Pope