
Re: Tesla Coil Tuner

From: 	Alfred A. Skrocki[SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: 	Sunday, November 09, 1997 6:37 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Tesla Coil Tuner

On Sunday, November 09, 1997 10:29 AM Ted
[SMTP:tedric-at-generation-dot-net] wrote;
On Sunday, November 09, 1997 10:29 AM

> Hi all,
> I guess everybody know about this tesla coil tuner that is sold by
> Information Unlimited. With a prices tag of $79.50 + S&H, I find it is
> unresonable. Does anyone know how it works or has a circuit diagram about
> this or some similar devices? I believe everybody on the list will be
> interested. Thanks in advance.

Hi Ted, I have generally found Information Unlimited to be highly over 
priced hype! If memory serves me you can usually buy just the plains for
any of their devices for a lot less than their kits. I have no idea what
they are using in their 'Tesla coil tuner' but it most probably is either
a wave meter or some version of a grid dip meter. A wave meter is really
nothing more than an adjustable tuned ciruit comprised of an inductor and
a variable capacitor, usualy with a diode detector and a headphone. The
dial on the adjustable capacitor would be marked either in wavelength or
frequency. A grid dip meter is much like a wavemeter with the addition
of a triode detector and a meter in the tubes grid ciruit (newer units use
either transistors or FETs). When a grid dip meter is held near a tuned
circuit and the dial on it's variable capacitor adjusted around the tuned
circuits resonant frequency a decrease in grid current will be observed.
Schematics for wavemeters are to be found in early texts on radio befor
the 1930's. Schematics for grid dip meters and their solid state 
counterparts can be found throught the back issues of both Popular 
Electronics and Electronics Now (formerly Radio Electronics). There are
also numerous schematics for grid dip meters in the various circuit indexes
put out by TAB books. I don't know if there is any place that sells 
complete grid dip meters anymore, you  used to be able to get some nice 
units from  Heath Kit and EICO but thay have been out of business for some
time now. Perhaps their still available from one of the suppliers that 
cater to HAMs, they were after all the bigest users of grid dip meters.


                              \\  ~ ~  //
                               (  -at- -at-  )
                           Alfred A. Skrocki
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