
spark shape observation

From: 	kevin[SMTP:wawa-at-spectra-dot-net]
Sent: 	Saturday, November 08, 1997 10:58 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	spark shape observation

Previously, I have been using unsmooth forms for my coil (ie. foil
covered ball, aluminum ducting).  With this setup I get sparks from all
the sharp points.  A week or so ago, I got a Van De Graff from a friend,
with a smooth aluminum sphere.  That found its way right to the top of
my tesla coil.  Now when running, i get a few longer sparks that move
all over the sphere.  It's really great.  Any way I noticed something
I've never seen before.  Usually, the sparks are very jittery and break
apart and are all fragmented.  But occasionally, the spark just
straigtens right out so that it is one great long one.  It just seems to
stay in one place and it looks like it is flowing like water or
something.  Then after up to 6 or so seconds, it breaks off into what
I'd say is normal operation.  This seems very strange and intersting to
me.  Has anyone else ever noticed this?  I've never read anything on
this adn was wondering if someone could possibly explain it to me.  It
seems to me like it could be something important.

kevin Wahila