
Re: Jennings vacuum interupter

From: 	Esondrmn[SMTP:Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Friday, November 07, 1997 2:57 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: Dump the RSG!

In a message dated 97-11-07 07:35:08 EST, you write:

<< We have replaced an RSG with a Jennings vacuum interrupter and it is
 giving superior performance. They are tricky to adjust but once adjusted
 require no further attention. There are no moving parts so there is no
 maintenance. These are standard electric utility switches and are sometimes
 available at surplus stores. Most people do not know what they are so they
 are sometimes a real bargin. A typical unit is only 2 1/2 " diam x 6 " long
 and cost $200 and up new. The rating is 34 KV, 10000 amps (momentary rating).
   They will give you a dampened sine wave instead of a continuous sine wave
 like solid state devices. A dampened sine wave gives a higher voltage for
 the same energy and number of cycles compared to a continuous wave. They are
 an ideal replacement for an RSG. However, more experimenting for Tesla coil
 use is required.
   John Couture  >>


Can you give some details as to how these are built?  Have you taken them
apart?  How do they work in a Tesla coil application?

Ed Sonderman