
Re: A (neon) Scrounging story.

From: 	Mike Harrison[SMTP:wwl-at-netcomuk.co.uk]
Reply To: 	wwl-at-netcomuk.co.uk
Sent: 	Monday, October 27, 1997 3:37 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: A (neon) Scrounging story.

>The moral to the story is - KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED.
>People chuck lots of this stuff out.  I think if you
>live in a big City (USA, Australia, etc where these
>things are common. Maybe not UK, Scandanavia etc) &
>you're patient, there should be no need to pay for old
>neon trannys.  I have before, but don't expect to
Yeah - I've often seen neon trannies in rubbish skips outside shops
being refitted, but this was before I decided to build a coil -
Murphy's law predicts that I'll probably never see another one :-(