

From: 	Chris Fileccia[SMTP:ChaoticD-at-swbell-dot-net]
Sent: 	Saturday, November 01, 1997 8:03 PM
To: 	tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	primarys

Chris agin. Like I said I am a beginner. I have recieved a lot of help
these past few days. So i say thanks to all of u.

Anyway another question I have is about primarys. Not alot of info about
them can be found, wich says that they don't matter right? I know better! 

I am on my second primary for my first coil. (confused yet, wow)
The first one looked like crap. I am using 8guage aluminum grounding wire
by the way. It is so hard to work with. I finaly got a plastic jug and cut
the arm off it to wind my coil verticly. I figure this will serve as some
protection to corona. But The wire is still hard to coil so I am atempting
to use a glue gun. It still isn't looking verry neet.
Eventually I would like to try other stiles. It has been sugested to me to
use a pancake coil and a sauser coil for my first TC but I am having a hard
enuf time with a simple verrtical. Any assistance would be great.
