tubes??? 4CX250F
Subject: tubes??? 4CX250F
Date: Thu, 22 May 97 05:54:18 UT
From: "William Noble" <William_B_Noble-at-msn-dot-com>
To: "Tesla List" <tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
a long time ago I used to work for Collins radio - my office was near a
service center where they repaired airborne radios. I "trained" the
technicians to save interesting things for me. I just looked in a
drawer of
"interesting things" and I have two octal based tubes, JAN8621, also
4CX250F. If I remember right, these came out of kilowatt HF airborne
commercial radios. I never have tested them, of course, I just saved
because I liked the fins (and one is gold plated) and thought they would
nice for a "tube collection". Are these of potential interest for a
tesla coil?? not too suprisingly, this tube isn't in any of the 3 radio
amateur handbooks I have (1953, 1962, 1976) nor is it in my RCA
receiving tube
manual. The tube sitting here as I write was made by Eimac and if I can
the date code, in the 21st week of 1974.
I also have an RCA tube of similar style, the base is 4 concentric rings
(hence a triode??), labled 463 (this is the gold plated tube) - filament
continuity is OK