Pi-Wound RF Chokes
Subject: Pi-Wound RF Chokes
Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 02:51:12 +1000 (EST)
From: Rodney Davies <rgd872-at-anu.edu.au>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Hi all,
Say, I was browsing through an old electronics magazine just today and
came across an article which I read back in '91 on building a small TC.
Anyway, the guy who built the coil noted the use of Pi-wound chokes,
what I can remember a friend of mine describing there construction was
follows -
Take a 1"x 2" piece of wooden dowell rod.
Machine grooves at spacings of about 1/4" apart (see below)
|<----------- 2" --------->|
__ __ __ __ __ ___
| | | | | | | | | | ^
| |__| |__| |__| |__| | |
| __ __ __ __ | 1"
| | | | | | | | | | |
|__| |__| |__| |__| |__| _v_
| | | |
^^^--- 1/4" ^^^^--- 1/4"
Then wind #30 gauge Cu magnet wire such that you fill each groove, then
when one is full, move onto the next...
Basically, it sort of gives you a series of chokes....
This type of choke is supposively ideal for neon-transformers.
What I'm wondering is has anyone come across this choke design before,
have used it, or know specifically about this particular design and how
works as apposed to using a coil of wire around a piece of pipe?
Thanks all,