

Subject:  Police
  Date:   Sun, 11 May 1997 06:33:27 -0700
  From:   Gary Weaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net>
    To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com

Last night a friend came over and we set up the Tesla Coil in the drive
way.  When it got dark we fired it up.  This is the first
time I have used my arc welder for currenting limiting on my 16 KW
transformer.  I forgot to connect the welding cables
together and couldn't get an arc longer than 69 inches.  It was fun. 
After about 30 minutes we put the TC in the garage and
went into the house.  After we put the TC away I realized the TC had
been operating on idle current threw the welder, thats
why I couldn't get it to adjust and get an arc longer than 69".  About 5
minutes later someone BANGED on the front door so
hard you could hear it in the next county.  It was the police.  The
police said the neighbor complained because I was doing
something that scared her.  So I asked what did I do that scared her. 
The police said I was doing something that makes
sparks.  I told the police that I had been using my arc welder and it
makes lots of sparks.  The Gestapo told me not to do it!
 any more and ask a few more que
stion then left.   

The dumb bitch next door is in the safety of her own house and the Tesla
Coil is on my property in my yard 100 feet from her
house, and she says it scares her.  Just wait!  She doesn't know what
scared is yet.   

The bitch woman next door is the type of person no one should have to
live next to.  Last fall she told me to rake the leaves in
her yard.  I ask her why I should have to rake the leaves in her yard. 
She said its bacause the leaves came off of my trees and
the wind blew them into her yard.  I told her mother nature made those
leaves and blew them into your yard so tell mother
nature to rake your yard.   I had a yard sale last summer and the dumb
woman went into a panic.  She spent an hour yelling at
people that parked their car on the public street in front of her
house.  She told them all to park some place else I don't want
your car in front of my house, move it down the street.   I think the
woman spends all her time looking out the windows
because any time my boys or the other children of the neighborhood get
into her yard for only a few seconds to retrieve a ball
or something it takes here about 10 seconds to rush out the door and
yell "you kids get out of my yard and st!
ay out, go home to your own yard
 and don't come back".   I think the woman has a screw loose.  

Gary Weaver