
Magnet Wire

Subject:  Magnet Wire
  Date:  Sun, 11 May 1997 01:05:24 -0400
  From: 104521.363-at-compuserve-dot-com
    To: "INTERNET:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>,

Anybody have any good sources of magnet wire? The only place I can find
any 18 -24 awg magnet wire that is longer than a few hundred feet is the
catalog Mouser. I know there must be more sources of magnet wire.

Tristan S.

I go with Phelps-Dodge per the recommendation of a bunch of old timers I
met in Denver a few years ago.  They rewind multi-hundred horse power
synchronous and induction motors for a living.  But, there are dozens of
other wire companies.  Try using electronics engineers master (eem)
online. They're at:


Once in look for "wire, magnet"   under "Search by product key-word"
this will give about 2 dozen firms.  Or if you'd like, this string will
do all that for you:

