Re: H.V. Transformers
Subject: Re: H.V. Transformers
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:34:46 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Kristian Ukkonen <kukkonen-at-cc.hut.fi>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> From: "Robert W. Stephens" <rwstephens-at-headwaters-dot-com>
> have found them to be very intolerant of Tesla coil type service,
> somewhat moreso than the generally beefier and notoriously fragile
> neons.
> Try an experiment. Put a 500 pF doorknob cap from each terminal of
> your 23 mA, 10 kV ignition xfmer to case ground and plug it in. In
> less than 60 seconds you will hear frying/boiling inside and will
> probably have also within this short time have a shorted secondary.
I really can't see the point here. What you are most propably doing is
over-voltaging the poor xformer by setting a resonance between xformer L
and cap C.. You can kill most xformers this way.
SO: for bypassing use resistors between xformer HV-outputs and those
caps. This will effectively lower Q of circuit and prevent excessive
resonant rise. I do use 1k ohm power-resistors.
> Merely 500 pF starts to send these into 60 HZ resonant rise but I
> haven't measured how much. The same caps tested today on a common 15-at-30
> neon produced a 500 volt secondary voltage rise above the nominal 8000
> volts measured on each leg.
Just luck. With poor luck you might have fried the neon as well.
> hard way for a very early coil. You are correct, these are an
> alternative source for builders of small coils to neons, but they are
> rather electrically fragile. They also are not as easy to bolt down
> mounting wise as neons.
They ARE a way to get 10kV at countries that don't have neons with more
then 8kV of voltage. Count Finland in for a list of those countries.
Kristian Ukkonen.