
Core Material

Subject:  Core Material
  Date:   Wed, 30 Apr 97 21:18:36 UT
  From:   "Robert Davis" <Davis_Lewis-at-msn-dot-com>
    To:    tesla-at-pupman-dot-com

Hello Coilers,

I am about to start building the secondary of my first (small coil), I
some Acrylic rod and thought of using this for the former.  Being soild
would be able to screw and bolt connections to the former.  I would
losses would go up slightly as opposed to sealed tube construction but
enough to be a problem.  Would there be any other problems using a solid 
plastic core?

Also, I was thinking about half wave coils, not many people seem to
these.  Why is this?  

I look forward to receiving your replies.

Rob Davis (UK)