
Re: Sideband Production

            Re: Sideband Production
            Wed, 26 Mar 1997 08:33:34 +1200
            "Malcolm Watts" <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
            Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

Earlier I wrote....

>          Time for me to correct another statement in this piece. The 
> equations f1 = fo/SQRT(1+k) and f2 = fo/SQRT(1-k) show that as k tends 
> to 1, the frequencies become 0.7fo and infinity respectively. It has 
> been said before that they tend to zero and infinity and until I 
> checked, I had just repeated what others had said in the past.
>      I consulted with Bert Hickman on why 0.7fo might be so, and I 
> think we agree that it is the result of the two circuit's impedances 
> shunting one another. But it may not be that simple either. 0.7fo 
> makes sense if the surge impedances are equal but not much if things 
> are otherwise. I wonder if those two equations are conditional on the
> surge impedances of the two circuits being equal?
>      Must check up on that.

With k = 1, the system is a straight transformer so Cs is reflected 
into the primary and matches Cp by virtue of the transformation ratio.
So Cp is effectively doubled and hence f1 -> fo/SQRT(2) = 0.7fo
